Tuesday, November 13, 2012

It's mid-October in Michigan and we are enjoying beautiful sunshine today,  as you can see in this picture I just took from my back deck. Few pleasures can rival a  short afternoon doze in a patch of sunshine under the pretense of "reading a book." It's nothing more or less than an excuse to soak in some free liquid warmth, soothing your soul and replenishing stress defense reserves.  Close your eyes, enjoy the warmth, and be thankful for the brilliant sunshine.        

What a guy, and what a song. In praise of sunshine, the  subject of today's thankfulness.  Give it a listen, for old times sake, and for Sunshine all the way.  

Monday, November 23, 2009

For those who really want to make thankfulness the rock solid foundation of their life, music expressing thankfulness is mandatoty. This song is one of my favorites, it very nearly says it all. I'm considering playing this for my guests this Thursday. Thanksgiving is a perfect day. We are so blessed with what we don't deserve. In His grace and Mercy, God has given us good and perfect gifts. Join me in giving thanks.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


I don't really think I can write much about meatloaf, but come to think of it, it's pretty amazing stuff. Hot out of the oven with a good sauce or gravy, and some red potatoes and green beans, it's an awfully nice way to break bread. And it heats up really well for a sandwich the next day. Now tell me the truth, if you didn't know, would ever guess there was OATMEAL in meatloaf? Which part would that be, the meat, or the loaf? The first time I made it, I almost cooked the oatmeal before I mixed it together with the meat, I mean c'mon, nobody puts raw oatmeal flakes in recipes do they? Turns out everyone does. Well lookit here, I nearly wrote a whole paragraph about meatloaf. When's the last time you had a good meatloaf at a restaurant? You know you've found a good down-home restaurant if every Tuesday is Ethel's home made meatloaf and gravy with mashed potatoes. Yum.

I'll bet some of you didn't know there was a singer named Meat Loaf, let alone know that he sings pretty good. I heard a British announcer say he knew him when he was just a breakfast sausage. Seriously.